Level 32 Secrets
(To find out how to get to level 32, consult the secrets list for
this level.)
There are no official secrets in versions
previous to 1.9. All of the secret areas existed before that
version; they just didn't count as secrets.
In the middle of the east wall (the
middle Swastika) is a hidden door (#1) which reveals an invulnerability
sphere. The west wall has a hidden door in the same place (#2), leading
to a bunch of medikits, and a plasma gun with lots of energy cells.
Also, the two northernmost and two southernmost pillars (#3-6) contain
various weapons, and a megasphere; walk up to them and hit the space
1 5 < 6400000,12800000> ( 1600, 4736)
2 7 < fd400000,12800000> ( -704, 4736)
3 1 < 4000000,16800000> ( 1024, 5760)
4 2 < ff800000,16800000> ( -128, 5760)
5 8 < ff800000, e800000> ( -128, 3712)
6 9 < 4000000, e800000> ( 1024, 3712)
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