Level 31 Secrets
(To find out how to get to level 31, consult the secrets list for
this level.)
There are no official secrets in versions
previous to 1.9. All of the secret areas existed before that
version; they just didn't count as secrets.
There's an area in the southeast with lots of demons in a "kennel"
(there were dogs there in the original game of Wolfenstein 3-D).
There are alcoves on either side. The last one on the right is
marked by some skulls on a stake. That alcove has a secret door
leading to an area (#1) with a BFG, a megasphere, a super shotgun,
and lots of backpacks.
The room just before the exit door has a secret door in the
southwest corner (#2), which leads to a small niche with a medikit.
The west wall of this niche has another secret door (#3) which leads
to a second exit door, which leads to the super-secret level (level
32). Just south and a bit east of the second exit door is a secret
door (#4) which reveals a supercharger.
There are two other unofficial secrets which are easy to find on the automap,
but which are included here anyway for completeness.
There's a north-south corridor with west and east alcoves. The
east one contains a body impaled on a stake. The west one contains
a secret door at <f9e00000, 9e00000> leading to a rocket launcher.
There's a big square room with a picture of Hitler on the north wall,
with trees on either side. Hit space on the picture to reveal a
secret door (at <ef9c0000, e280000>) to a
room with a plasma gun and
some ammo.
1 21 < 7b50000,fc330000> ( 1973, -973)
2 77 < f3800000,fc400000> (-3200, -960)
3 76 < f3000000,fbc00000> (-3328, -1088)
4 74 < f1000000,fa400000> (-3840, -1472)
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