Level 20 Secrets
The structure just south of your starting point consists of a building
with a walkway around it to the south entrance. (The walkway may not
be there if you have not tried to get to the structure; just walk south
from the starting point to raise the walkway.) In the southwest part
of the "moat" (the poison area between the walkway and the building) is a
small opening, containing an energy cell pack and a radiation suit (#1).
Once you have the radiation suit, you can safely walk around the moat
to the other side, where there is a teleporter leading back to your
starting point.
At the top of the structure on the east side of the map is a
teleporter. (To get there, jump down into the slime just east of
your starting point and walk north through the little door, up the
steps (shoot the wall that's in your way), and jump down from the
window. Then hit the switch to lower the lift to the entrance of
the structure, and fight your way up to the top.) The teleporter
takes you back to the starting point. Just to the left of the
teleporter is a hidden door which takes you through a small room
(#2) with another teleporter, which goes to a tower on the north
side of the structure. In all likelihood, you'll teleport right on
top of a pain elemental, killing it before it has a chance to fire
any of those damn skulls.
There are two towers west and east of the circular area to the north
of the main building. There's nothing on the east one, but the west
one (#3) has a megasphere on it. To get there, take the big demon
teleporter in the circular area. Walk down the stairs and kill the
bad guys. (Note that just south of the stairs, down in the slime,
is a teleporter leading to the area where the cacodemon was hiding.
There's blue armor and some health up there.) Then jump across to
the dark area east of the stairs. Instead of walking south to the
green armor, find the hidden path leading northeast in the dark to
the teleporter, which takes you to the megasphere.
The structure west of the circular area to the north of the main
building (not #3--the thing to the northwest of it) has a
supercharger (#4) and a BFG9000 in it. To get there, grab a
radiation suit if you have one, and walk northeast through the slime
to the building with the teleporter to #3. Walk around the
southeast corner of the building, looking for a staircase; there
should be some flaming skulls there to mark the place. Walk up the
stairs to the teleporter, which takes you to the structure to the
west. Hit the switch to raise the platform, and kill all the bad
guys. If you don't see the BFG9000, shoot your pistol out the east
window at the big demon teleporter, and a door behind you should
open revealing the BFG and some ammo. Then hit the switch on the
south side of the room to reveal the supercharger (#4).
Unfortunately, there's a teleporter in the way, which takes you back
to the demon teleporter; fortunately, there are two secret doors to
the left and right of the teleporter, which you can take to get to
the supercharger (through another secret door to its west or east).
The left one has an arch-vile in it (#5), so I suggest you take the
right one, which contains an energy cell (#6), unless you want 100%
kills and secrets; but if you didn't, why would you be reading this?
In the room with a staircase leading to a plasma gun, there is a
secret door on the south wall, leading to a small room (#7) with a
supercharger on the west end.
If you're wondering how to kill the cyberdemon and spiderdemon,
here's how: get them to kill each other. Run to the east of them,
allowing the cyberdemon to get caught in the spiderdemon's fire.
After the spiderdemon gets killed, it will be easier to kill the
cyberdemon. Or, if you're low on ammo, you can walk around the
cyberdemon and spiderdemon while they're fighting and hit the switch.
This will open up doors revealing more ammo and monsters. You can
get the cyberdemon to help kill the other monsters, and then use
the extra ammo to kill the cyberdemon.
1 56 < 8360000,ee3e0000> ( 2102, -4546)
2 4 < ece0000,f5ff0000> ( 3790, -2561)
3 101 < 5200000,fbf00000> ( 1312, -1040)
4 127 < 2600000,ff180000> ( 608, -232)
5 132 < 2210000,ff1c0000> ( 545, -228)
6 128 < 29e0000,ff1c0000> ( 670, -228)
7 59 < 6730000,f1270000> ( 1651, -3801)
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