Directory tree for

Last Updated: 16-Feb-2025

Hyperlink Base: /pub/games/idgames/

NOTE : This helpful summary of idgames mirror features at GAMERS.ORG has info about the mirroring process and our handy enhancements (of which this file is but one example).

Shortcuts into tree for selected directories

combos   (User-created patches or PWADS wo/levels)
deathmatch   (Deathmatch player lists and tournament info)
docs   (FAQs 'n' stuff)
docs/rgcd-pips   ( periodic postings)
graphics   (Graphics elements for use in PWADs)
historic   (Historic demo versions and pre-release screenshots)
idstuff   (id Software games 'n' stuff)
levels   (User-created PWADs)
lmps   (Game recordings available for playback)
lmps/dht-exams   (Recordings of Doom Honorific Title exams)
misc   (If ya can't find it elsewhere, look here)
music   (Songs 'n' stuff for use in PWADs)
prefabs   (Prefabricated objects to aid level building)
roguestuff   (Rogue Entertainment games 'n' stuff)
skins   (Skins for Doom ports that support them)
sounds   (Sound-effects for use in PWADs)
source   (User-built modifications of the Doom source code)
themes   (PWADs and patches for a 'total experience')
themes/TeamTNT   (Projects by TeamTNT)
themes/aliens   (Total conversions based on the Aliens movies)
themes/mm   (The Memento Mori Wad Collection)
utils   (Utilities - editors, front-ends, etc.)

 = /pub/games/idgames/
    = combos  
(User-created patches or PWADS wo/levels)
    = deathmatch  
(Deathmatch player lists and tournament info)
    +  = deathmatch/deathtag
    +  = deathmatch/doombot
    +  = deathmatch/skulltag
    = docs  
(FAQs 'n' stuff)
    +  = docs/editing
    +  = docs/faqs
    +  = docs/misc
    +  = docs/multiplayer
    +  = docs/rgcd-pips  
( periodic postings)
    = graphics  
(Graphics elements for use in PWADs)
    = historic  
(Historic demo versions and pre-release screenshots)
    = idstuff  
(id Software games 'n' stuff)
    +  = idstuff/doom
    |  +  = idstuff/doom/linux
    |  +  = idstuff/doom/mac
    |  +  = idstuff/doom/nextstep
    |  +  = idstuff/doom/qnx
    |  +  = idstuff/doom/sgi
    |  +  = idstuff/doom/sun
    |  +  = idstuff/doom/win95
    +  = idstuff/doom2
    +  = idstuff/doom3
    |  +  = idstuff/doom3/linux
    |  |  +  = idstuff/doom3/linux/old
    |  +  = idstuff/doom3/macosx
    |  |  +  = idstuff/doom3/macosx/old
    |  +  = idstuff/doom3/source
    |  |  +  = idstuff/doom3/source/linux
    |  |  |  +  = idstuff/doom3/source/linux/old
    |  |  +  = idstuff/doom3/source/mac
    |  |  |  +  = idstuff/doom3/source/mac/old
    |  |  +  = idstuff/doom3/source/win32
    |  |  .  +  = idstuff/doom3/source/win32/old
    |  +  = idstuff/doom3/win32
    |  .  +  = idstuff/doom3/win32/old
    +  = idstuff/et
    |  +  = idstuff/et/linux
    |  |  +  = idstuff/et/linux/old
    |  +  = idstuff/et/osx
    |  |  +  = idstuff/et/osx/old
    |  +  = idstuff/et/sdk
    |  |  +  = idstuff/et/sdk/old
    |  +  = idstuff/et/win32
    |  .  +  = idstuff/et/win32/old
    +  = idstuff/etqw
    |  +  = idstuff/etqw/old
    +  = idstuff/heretic
    +  = idstuff/hexen
    |  +  = idstuff/hexen/mac
    +  = idstuff/hexen2
    +  = idstuff/macquake
    +  = idstuff/qeradiant
    |  +  = idstuff/qeradiant/GtkRadiant
    |  |  +  = idstuff/qeradiant/GtkRadiant/GtkRadiant-1_1
    |  |  +  = idstuff/qeradiant/GtkRadiant/GtkRadiant-1_2
    |  |  |  +  = idstuff/qeradiant/GtkRadiant/GtkRadiant-1_2/Linux
    |  |  |  +  = idstuff/qeradiant/GtkRadiant/GtkRadiant-1_2/Windows
    |  |  +  = idstuff/qeradiant/GtkRadiant/GtkRadiant-1_3
    |  |  |  +  = idstuff/qeradiant/GtkRadiant/GtkRadiant-1_3/Linux
    |  |  |  +  = idstuff/qeradiant/GtkRadiant/GtkRadiant-1_3/Windows
    |  |  +  = idstuff/qeradiant/GtkRadiant/GtkRadiant-1_4
    |  |  .  +  = idstuff/qeradiant/GtkRadiant/GtkRadiant-1_4/Linux
    |  |  .  +  = idstuff/qeradiant/GtkRadiant/GtkRadiant-1_4/Windows
    |  +  = idstuff/qeradiant/Q3Radiant
    |  |  +  = idstuff/qeradiant/Q3Radiant/PluginSDK
    |  |  +  = idstuff/qeradiant/Q3Radiant/Q3RPlugins
    |  |  +  = idstuff/qeradiant/Q3Radiant/Q3Radiant-src
    |  +  = idstuff/qeradiant/QERadiant
    |  |  +  = idstuff/qeradiant/QERadiant/opengl
    |  |  +  = idstuff/qeradiant/QERadiant/plugins
    |  |  .  +  = idstuff/qeradiant/QERadiant/plugins/coding
    |  |  .  +  = idstuff/qeradiant/QERadiant/plugins/mgs
    |  |  .  +  = idstuff/qeradiant/QERadiant/plugins/reviews
    |  +  = idstuff/qeradiant/SDK-unsupported
    +  = idstuff/quake
    +  = idstuff/quake2
    |  +  = idstuff/quake2/3dfx
    |  +  = idstuff/quake2/axp
    |  |  +  = idstuff/quake2/axp/old
    |  +  = idstuff/quake2/beta
    |  +  = idstuff/quake2/ctf
    |  |  +  = idstuff/quake2/ctf/beta
    |  |  +  = idstuff/quake2/ctf/old
    |  |  +  = idstuff/quake2/ctf/source
    |  |  +  = idstuff/quake2/ctf/unix
    |  +  = idstuff/quake2/docs
    |  +  = idstuff/quake2/maps
    |  +  = idstuff/quake2/misc
    |  +  = idstuff/quake2/source
    |  |  +  = idstuff/quake2/source/old
    |  +  = idstuff/quake2/unix
    |  .  +  = idstuff/quake2/unix/old
    +  = idstuff/quake3
    |  +  = idstuff/quake3/docs
    |  +  = idstuff/quake3/linux
    |  |  +  = idstuff/quake3/linux/old
    |  +  = idstuff/quake3/mac
    |  |  +  = idstuff/quake3/mac/old
    |  +  = idstuff/quake3/misc
    |  +  = idstuff/quake3/music
    |  +  = idstuff/quake3/source
    |  +  = idstuff/quake3/tools
    |  +  = idstuff/quake3/win32
    |  .  +  = idstuff/quake3/win32/old
    +  = idstuff/quake4
    |  +  = idstuff/quake4/demo
    |  +  = idstuff/quake4/linux
    |  |  +  = idstuff/quake4/linux/old
    |  +  = idstuff/quake4/mac
    |  +  = idstuff/quake4/source
    |  |  +  = idstuff/quake4/source/linux
    |  |  +  = idstuff/quake4/source/old
    |  |  +  = idstuff/quake4/source/win32
    |  +  = idstuff/quake4/win32
    |  .  +  = idstuff/quake4/win32/old
    +  = idstuff/quakeworld
    |  +  = idstuff/quakeworld/maps
    |  +  = idstuff/quakeworld/mods
    |  |  +  = idstuff/quakeworld/mods/ctf4
    |  +  = idstuff/quakeworld/skins
    |  +  = idstuff/quakeworld/unix
    +  = idstuff/source
    |  +  = idstuff/source/old
    +  = idstuff/teamarena
    |  +  = idstuff/teamarena/docs
    |  +  = idstuff/teamarena/mac
    |  +  = idstuff/teamarena/map_paks
    |  +  = idstuff/teamarena/misc
    +  = idstuff/unsup
    |  +  = idstuff/unsup/unix
    +  = idstuff/wolf
    |  +  = idstuff/wolf/linux
    |  |  +  = idstuff/wolf/linux/old
    |  +  = idstuff/wolf/osx
    |  |  +  = idstuff/wolf/osx/old
    |  +  = idstuff/wolf/sdk
    |  +  = idstuff/wolf/win32
    |  .  +  = idstuff/wolf/win32/old
    +  = idstuff/wolf3d
    = levels  
(User-created PWADs)
    +  = levels/doom  
(User-created PWADs for registered Doom)
    |  +  = levels/doom/Ports
    |  |  +  = levels/doom/Ports/megawads
    |  +  = levels/doom/deathmatch
    |  |  +  = levels/doom/deathmatch/Ports
    |  |  +  = levels/doom/deathmatch/megawads
    |  +  = levels/doom/megawads
    +  = levels/doom2  
(User-created PWADs for Doom II)
    |  +  = levels/doom2/Ports
    |  |  +  = levels/doom2/Ports/megawads
    |  +  = levels/doom2/deathmatch
    |  |  +  = levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports
    |  |  |  +  = levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/megawads
    |  |  +  = levels/doom2/deathmatch/megawads
    |  +  = levels/doom2/megawads
    +  = levels/doom64
    +  = levels/hacx  
(User-created PWADs for HacX)
    +  = levels/heretic  
(User-created PWADs for Heretic)
    |  +  = levels/heretic/Ports
    |  +  = levels/heretic/deathmatch
    +  = levels/hexen  
(User-created PWADs for Hexen)
    |  +  = levels/hexen/deathmatch
    +  = levels/reviews  
(Independent reviews of some PWADs)
    +  = levels/strife  
(User-created PWADs for Strife)
    = lmps  
(Game recordings available for playback)
    +  = lmps/COMPET-N
    |  +  = lmps/COMPET-N/admin
    |  +  = lmps/COMPET-N/doom
    |  +  = lmps/COMPET-N/doom2
    |  +  = lmps/COMPET-N/examples
    |  |  +  = lmps/COMPET-N/examples/speed
    |  +  = lmps/COMPET-N/f-doom
    |  |  +  = lmps/COMPET-N/f-doom/evilut-n
    |  |  |  +  = lmps/COMPET-N/f-doom/evilut-n/nmare
    |  |  |  +  = lmps/COMPET-N/f-doom/evilut-n/speed
    |  |  +  = lmps/COMPET-N/f-doom/plutonia
    |  +  = lmps/COMPET-N/html
    |  +  = lmps/COMPET-N/staged
    |  +  = lmps/COMPET-N/staging
    +  = lmps/H2HMud
    |  +  = lmps/H2HMud/.huh
    |  +  = lmps/H2HMud/admin
    +  = lmps/R_U_GOOD
    +  = lmps/dht-exams  
(Recordings of Doom Honorific Title exams)
    |  +  = lmps/dht-exams/.admin
    |  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht3
    |  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5
    |  |  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5/pictures
    |  |  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5/titles
    |  |  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5/titles/d1gm
    |  |  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5/titles/d1h
    |  |  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5/titles/d1i
    |  |  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5/titles/d1l
    |  |  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5/titles/d1ld
    |  |  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5/titles/d1m
    |  |  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5/titles/d1mh
    |  |  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5/titles/d1s
    |  |  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5/titles/d1sg
    |  |  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5/titles/d1t
    |  |  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5/titles/d2gm
    |  |  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5/titles/d2h
    |  |  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5/titles/d2i
    |  |  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5/titles/d2l
    |  |  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5/titles/d2ld
    |  |  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5/titles/d2m
    |  |  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5/titles/d2mh
    |  |  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5/titles/d2s
    |  |  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5/titles/d2sg
    |  |  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5/titles/d2t
    |  |  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht5/titles/hm
    |  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht6
    |  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht6/pictures
    |  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht6/titles
    |  .  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht6/titles/d1i6
    |  .  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht6/titles/d1m6
    |  .  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht6/titles/d1p6
    |  .  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht6/titles/d1t6
    |  .  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht6/titles/d1v6
    |  .  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht6/titles/d2i6
    |  .  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht6/titles/d2m6
    |  .  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht6/titles/d2p6
    |  .  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht6/titles/d2t6
    |  .  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht6/titles/d2v6
    |  .  .  +  = lmps/dht-exams/dht6/titles/d2y6
    +  = lmps/doom
    |  +  = lmps/doom/1.9
    |  |  +  = lmps/doom/1.9/pwad
    |  +  = lmps/doom/ultimate
    +  = lmps/doom2
    |  +  = lmps/doom2/1.9
    |  |  +  = lmps/doom2/1.9/master
    |  +  = lmps/doom2/1.9pwad
    +  = lmps/forms
    +  = lmps/heretic
    |  +  = lmps/heretic/1.3
    +  = lmps/hexen
    |  +  = lmps/hexen/1.0
    +  = lmps/pacifist
    |  +  = lmps/pacifist/doom
    |  +  = lmps/pacifist/doom2
    +  = lmps/tyson
    .  +  = lmps/tyson/doom1
    .  +  = lmps/tyson/doom2
    = misc  
(If ya can't find it elsewhere, look here)
    = music  
(Songs 'n' stuff for use in PWADs)
    = prefabs  
(Prefabricated objects to aid level building)
    = roguestuff  
(Rogue Entertainment games 'n' stuff)
    = skins  
(Skins for Doom ports that support them)
    = sounds  
(Sound-effects for use in PWADs)
    = source  
(User-built modifications of the Doom source code)
    +  = source/patches
    +  = source/windoom
    = themes  
(PWADs and patches for a 'total experience')
    +  = themes/DAC
    |  +  = themes/DAC/dac2005
    +  = themes/TeamTNT  
(Projects by TeamTNT)
    |  +  = themes/TeamTNT/bloodlands
    |  +  = themes/TeamTNT/boom
    |  +  = themes/TeamTNT/daedalus
    |  +  = themes/TeamTNT/doom2000
    |  +  = themes/TeamTNT/ed4_rfo
    |  +  = themes/TeamTNT/eternal
    |  +  = themes/TeamTNT/finaldoom
    |  +  = themes/TeamTNT/grievance
    |  +  = themes/TeamTNT/icarus
    |  +  = themes/TeamTNT/pursuit
    |  +  = themes/TeamTNT/reclamation
    |  +  = themes/TeamTNT/return
    +  = themes/aliens  
(Total conversions based on the Aliens movies)
    |  +  = themes/aliens/aliendm3
    +  = themes/aod
    +  = themes/apt
    +  = themes/barney
    +  = themes/batman
    +  = themes/chex
    +  = themes/chook
    +  = themes/drwho
    +  = themes/hacx
    +  = themes/hr
    +  = themes/marines
    +  = themes/mm  
(The Memento Mori Wad Collection)
    +  = themes/omf
    +  = themes/pacman
    +  = themes/simpsons  
(Total conversions based on Homer's family)
    +  = themes/sonic
    +  = themes/startrek
    +  = themes/starwars
    +  = themes/tab
    +  = themes/terrywads
    +  = themes/twc
    +  = themes/university
    +  = themes/wolf3d
    +  = themes/wtf
    +  = themes/x-rated
    |  +  = themes/x-rated/i_am_old_enough_to_look_at_this
    +  = themes/xmas
    = utils  
(Utilities - editors, front-ends, etc.)
    +  = utils/exe_edit
    |  +  = utils/exe_edit/patches
    +  = utils/frontends
    +  = utils/graphics_edit
    |  +  = utils/graphics_edit/deutex
    +  = utils/level_edit
    |  +  = utils/level_edit/deu
    |  +  = utils/level_edit/hexen_scripting
    |  +  = utils/level_edit/node_builders
    |  +  = utils/level_edit/tutorials
    |  +  = utils/level_edit/waded
    +  = utils/misc
    +  = utils/network
    +  = utils/randomizers
    +  = utils/save_edit
    +  = utils/serial
    +  = utils/sound_edit
    +  = utils/unix
    +  = utils/wad_tools

The incoming directory is not shown in the list above because it is not a viewable directory (no files to download). To upload to this archive, you have to use FTP to access the /pub/idgames/incoming/ directory at the primary archive site, which is now

This page was generated by a Perl script. Please send any comments, especially favorable ones, to: John Van Essen <>